Жизненно важная информация для Чарли Гард

Наталья Vladimir Страна: Англия
Город: Лондон
Время отдыха: Дата вылета июль 2017
Достопримечательность: Детская больница на Грейт-Ормонд-стрит

Дата14.07.2017 Хороший отзыв0 Ответов 1 Просмотрели1853


Hello brothers! Please help bring this information to parents Charlie guard. This drug Russian production regulates the mitochondrial activity in terms of RNA synthesis, and DNA of mitochondria. This sodium desoxyribonucleate - "Derinat", it is inexpensive and is able to help the unfortunate Charlie. Produced in the spirit of the forms, nose drops, and injection. Save Charlie. "Do not be afraid of our enemies - they can only kill us. Fear indifferent - with their acquiescence all the evil in the world." Don't be indifferent. I - Russian , but I heartily wish his recovery, Charlie Gard, an Englishman, whom I had seen only in the virtual space. Save him. Thanks in advance. Instruction Derinat average price: 965.6 RUB. Description true on 18.11.2014  Latin name: Derinat  ATC code: L03A  Active substance: sodium Desoxyribonucleate (Sodium desoxyribonucleate)  Manufacturer: ZAO "AF "Technomedservice", Russia1 Composition In one milliliter of solution at 0.25%, used as local and external funds, is 2.5 mg of sodium desoxyribonucleate (Sodium desoxyribonucleate) and 1 mg of sodium chloride (Sodium chloride). In one milliliter of solution 1.5% for intramuscular injection contains 15 mg of sodium desoxyribonucleate (Sodium desoxyribonucleate) and 1 mg of sodium chloride(Sodium chloride). Release form The solution has the form of a transparent liquid without color and impurities. Dosage forms Derinat:  solution for use as a topical and local funds of 0.25%;  solution for intramuscular injection of 1.5%. Pharmacological action Derinat is a drug immunomodulatory actions, which accelerates the processes of regeneration and tissue repair, reduces inflammation, stimulates anti-cancer immunity, has anti-allergic action, stimulates the natural detoxification of the body with the immobilization and reduction of concentration of toxins. In addition, the drug exhibits lymphotropic, cardioprotective and antiischemic properties, antioxidant properties and membranostabilizatora, has a poorly marked anticoagulant effect. Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics The action of Derinat is directed on stimulation of cellular and humoral immunity, which in turn optimizes the inflammatory response and acquired immunity (specific immune response) of foreign matter, bacterial, fungal and viral origin. Immunomodulatory effect of the drug is determined by its ability to stimulate the activity of T - and b-lymphocytes, activate cells of the monocyte-macrophage series. Derinat induces intracellular energy metabolism, synthesis of RNA and DNA. Due to the activation of the cellular immune response increases the ability of natural killer cells (NK cells) act on virus and bacteria cells. On the background of the use of drugs in the body aktiviziruyutsya reparative and regenerative processes, normalizes the condition of the tissues and organs degenerative processes caused by vascular disorders; reduced susceptibility of cells to the damaging action of chemotherapeutic agents and radiation therapy; increases body resistance to various kinds of infections; stimulates the detoxifying function of the lymphatic system; improve myocardial contractile function; prevents the loss of muscular heart cells (cardiomyocytes); increased physical rabotosposobnosti. Derinat promotes excretion of free radicals, accelerates wound healing (including purulent and infected wounds), deep burns (thus improving the dynamics of regeneration, epithelization and scarring of tissue), venous ulcers. Under the action of the drug occurs scarless restoration of the mucous membranes in the recovery of ulcers. Derinat does not cause any violations of fetal development and morphological abnormalities. He also has a carcinogenic effect. When used as local funds rapidly absorbed. The main route of transport of the active substance in organs and tissues — endolymphatic. At the stage of intensive receipt of desoxyribonucleate sodium in the bloodstream in parallel with the metabolism and excretion redistribution between erythrocytes, leukocytes,platelets and plasma. The metabolism happens in the body. Metabolites are excreted partly with the contents of the intestine and mainly in bieksponencialny according to the urine. Indications for use As an independent agent solution are shown:  acute respiratory infections;  for the prevention and treatment of SARS;  for the treatment of inflammatory, inflammatory and degenerative ophthalmic diseases;  for the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity. In combination with other drugs, but prescribed for the treatment:  occurring in chronic inflammatory diseases, and bacterial, fungal and other infections in gynecology;  occur in the acute and chronic form of diseases of the upper respiratory tract (e.g., rhinitis or sinusitis);  , OSNK (tabletiruemogo disease of the lower limbs);  hard-to-heal and infected wounds, trophic ulcers (including non-healing suppurative wounds in diabetes mellitus);  gangrene;  frostbites, burns;  hemorrhoids;  necrosis of skin and mucous membranes, triggered by radiotherapy. Derinat administered intramuscularly:  to stimulate the function of hematopoiesis (hemopoiesis);  in the treatment of radiation injuries;  in the case of the development of mielodepressii (oppression function of bone marrow hematopoiesis) and resistance to cytotoxic drugs, which is manifested in patients with cancer on the background of cytostatic and/or radiation anticancer therapy;  for the treatment of stomatitis provoked by cytotoxic antineoplastic therapy;  the disease;  gastric ulcer;  ulcer 12 duodenal ulcer;  at OSNC stage I and II;  for the treatment of difficult healing wounds and trophic skin lesions (burns, ulcers,bedsores, etc.);  for the treatment of odontogenic sepsis, complicated by purulent-resorptive fever;  in rheumatoid arthritis;  for the treatment of diseases of the urogenital tract caused by the activity of chlamydia, Mycoplasma, Ureaplasma;  in burn disease;  for prostatitis;  when endometritis;  in patients with COPD and pulmonary tuberculosis. As an independent agent injections Derinat is also used in surgical practice, prescribing their patients as in the pre-and postoperative period. Contraindications Injections and the drops, but do not have other contraindications, except of intolerance of the patient of its constituent components. Side effects The use of Derinat when gangrenous processes provokes spontaneous rejection of necrotic tissues in the lesions of rejection, followed by restoration of the skin. Patients with open wounds and burns use of the drug allows to reduce the intensity of the pain. A quick introduction of a solution into the muscle provokes moderate pain at the injection site (this reaction does not require the appointment of a special treatment). In some cases, a few hours after the injection may increase the temperature to 38°C. To reduce its assign symptomatic agents, for example,analgin, diphenhydramine, etc.. Patients with diabetes may exhibit the hypoglycemic effect of the drug. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly monitor the concentration of sugar in the blood. Derinat: instructions for use The solution is used as local and external funds are used in the form of eye drops, nose drops, rinses, mikroklizm, applications and irrigations. The drug is designed to treat children (and children can then be assigned the first day of life) and adult patients. Treatment But can be combined with other medications in the form of tablets, ointments, solutions for injection. Manual on the use of Derinat in the form of gargles, applications, irrigation and microclysters Diseases of the mucosa of the oral cavity treated by rinsing with the use of Derinat (one bottle of solution is enough for one or two rinse). The multiplicity of treatments from 4 to 6 times a day. Do they need 5-10 days. For the treatment of chronic forms of inflammatory and infectious diseases in gynecology is assigned to intravaginal administration of the drug with irrigation cervical or intravaginal introduction moistened with tampons with the drug. For one procedure requires 5 ml of Derinat. The multiplicity of procedures is 1-2 per day, course of treatment is 10 to 14 days. When hemorrhoids shown microclysters rectum. For a single procedure takes from 15 to 40 ml. Duration of treatment — from 4 to 10 days. In ophthalmologic diseases that are accompanied by inflammatory and degenerative processes did not appoint instilled in the eye during 14-15 days 2 or 3 times a day, one or two drops. When necrosis of the skin and mucous membranes, triggered by the irradiation, with hard-to-heal wounds, trophic ulcers of different origin,frostbite, burns, gangrene on the affected areas apply a sterile bandage application (using folded in two layers of gauze) applied to the solution. Application do 3-4 times during the day. You can also treat the lesions with the use of Derinat in the form of a spray. The drug is sprayed 4 or 5 times a day. Single dose varirata in the range of 10 to 40 ml. Duration of treatment is from 1 to 3 months. Nose drops Derinat: instructions for use For the prevention of respiratory viral infections nose drops Derinat was instilled into each nostril two with the rate of application 2 to 4 times during the day. The duration of treatment from one to two weeks. At the onset of cold symptoms the first day it is recommended to instill two or three drops in each nostril every hour and a half. Further treatment continued, digging during the month two or three drops in each nostril. The frequency of instillation — 3-4 times a day. Treatment of inflammatory diseases of the paranasal sinuses and nasal cavity involves the introduction for one to two weeks 4-6 times a day from three to five drops in each nostril. At OSNC within six months are encouraged to bury 6 times a day, one or two drops in each nostril. Injections Derinat: instructions for use
